Occasionally I find myself in a great deal of pain because of the sexaholic’s acting out. That is when I try to remember that I am never alone, and I don’t have to handle it all by myself. Left to my own thinking, I would try to handle it myself. S-Anon has taught me that trying to rely solely on myself usually just ends up extending my suffering as I muddle my way through the painful feelings.
So I say a prayer and turn it all over to my Higher Power. I call my sponsor or another S-Anon member for some helpful reminders: I am powerless over what another person does and, no matter how bad it is right now, “This too Shall Pass.” I read the literature and remember to focus on myself. I go to a meeting.
When I reach out for help, my Higher Power and the strength of the S-Anon program carry me through whatever is troubling me. I don’t have to do it all alone. That is a gift of this program.
Reprinted from S-Anon’s Reflections of Hope, page 362.