In seeing our need for a Higher Power, we realize that it is safe for us to be dependent upon God; however, it is risky to depend exclusively for our well-being on another human being. We all have a hunger which we call the “God hunger.”We attempt to satisfy this hunger with a relationship with another person when we are really looking for a Higher Power. We can go to that Higher Power for refuge and strength. We also have the support, encouragement and understanding that we gain when we share with one another. It is startling and humbling to realize that we are often as addicted as the sexaholic. We may not be addicted to sex or substances, but sometimes we are addicted to people and situations in our lives. Ours is no less serious an addiction; in some cases we’ve suffered as devastatingly from our addiction as the sexaholic has. We need the help of a power greater than ourselves to bring us back to sanity.
It is important to remember to be patient with ourselves during this process of being restored to sanity. We are not asked to do all this at once. It takes time to develop faith and to recover. Feeling guilty and having expectations of a quick recovery only interferes with the healing process.
Reprinted from S-Anon Twelve Steps, pages 16-17.