A sharing of the collective experience of how S-Anon members “work” the program by examining attitudes and past actions, putting the principles of the S-Anon 12 Steps and 12 Traditions into practice.
Working the S-Anon Program covers specific topics such as trust, healthy sexuality, sexaholism in a son or daughter, sharing information with others, and more. The book is organized into four parts, each of which is related to an important area of our recovery.
Part 1 describes the tools we use (actions we take, principles we integrate into our lives, and helpful attitudes we develop) to begin and enhance our personal recovery.
Part 2 contains sharing from S-Anon members on their experiences of healing and recovery in their relationships with the sexaholic and with others.
Part 3 focuses on ways we can carry the S-Anon message of recovery to those who are searching for recovery from the effects of sexaholism.
Part 4 contains the S-Anon Suggested Meeting Format and Readings.
In eBook format.
Item P-4E.