The World Service Conference (WSC) is S-Anon’s annual business meeting where representatives from throughout S-Anon convene to make decisions on matters affecting our fellowship as a whole. Some frequently asked questions about the WSC are outlined below.  For more information about the World Service Conference, refer to Part 3 of the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual, or contact the World Service Conference Committee Chairperson at

View the World Service Conference Charter, a document that outlines the relationship of the World Service Conference to S-Anon.

Download the S-Anon Service Structure document to read more about the two groups of trusted servants that make up the Traditional and Legal service structures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Only members of the World Service Conference (Board of Trustees, Area Delegates and Executive Director of the S-Anon World Service Office) are permitted to participate in the discussion and vote on motions. Anyone from the S-Anon fellowship may attend the meeting as an observer to watch the proceedings when the WSC is an in-person event, but technical requirements currently do not allow for observers when the WSC is virtual.

Parliamentary procedure is a set of rules for conduct at meetings that allows everyone to be heard and to make decisions without confusion.  During the meetings of the World Service Conference, the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order is recognized as the parliamentary authority.  Read an overview of Robert's Rules of Order.  Because the Conference is Traditional, the rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this conference in all cases where they are applicable except when they are inconsistent with this Charter, the Twelve Traditions and Concepts, or any special rules of order this conference may adopt. (WSC Charter, VIII. I.)

In addition to reports from the Board of Trustees and its committees, the Area Delegates and others, members of the World Service Conference discuss and vote on motions that are submitted by members of the fellowship well in advance of the WSC meeting and considered by S-Anon groups throughout North America.  The latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order is recognized as the authority governing the meetings of the World Service Conference, except where noted above.  Read an overview of Robert's Rules of Order.

Any member of S-Anon can make a motion on any topic that affects S-Anon as a whole. Motions must be submitted via a member of the World Service Conference, preferably an Area Delegate. If there is no Area Delegate, the motion is submitted via a Regional Trustee, and if there is no Regional Trustee, then the motion is submitted via another World Service Conference member.

If you are interested in submitting a motion, read more about the timeline and how to submit a motion.

No motions are being presented at the 2024 World Service Conference.

To view minutes from past World Service Conferences, click on the links below.

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |20192018 | 20172016 2015 | 2014 

201320122011 | 2010 | 20092008 | 20072006 | 2005 | 2004


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