Use of S-Anon Name, Logo, or Registered Marks

S-Anon, S-Anon International Family Groups, and S-Ateen, and the logo shown below are all trademarks belonging to S-Anon International Family Groups, Inc. (the “Marks”). Several of our trademarks are also Registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.  Blanket permission to use the S-Anon and S-Ateen registered names is given to authorized S-Anon groups throughout the world, so long as they adhere to the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts as found on and employ only S-Anon Conference-Approved Literature for use in meetings.

The logo shown below is also a trademark belonging to S-Anon International Family Groups, Inc. (the “Logo”). Use of the Logo is strictly prohibited and may be used only by the S-Anon World Service Office.


If you are authorized to use the Marks or the Logo, still, you may not alter them in any way or combine them with other words or designs.  Guidelines for using the S-Anon Marks and Logo are based partly on legal considerations and partly on the nature of S-Anon.  Use of the Marks or Logo by any entity other than those authorized by this policy, or any alteration of the Marks or Logo endangers the value of these Marks and Logo to promote our program and principals and to promote goods or services that are consistent with S-Anon’s purpose. Use of these Marks or Logo on goods or services that do not emanate from S-Anon World Service Office and/or use in a manner that has not been approved by S-Anon International Family Groups, Inc. both infringes upon and dilutes the Marks and Logo.

You are now leaving the official website for S-Anon International Family Groups, Inc. This link is made available to provide information about local S-Anon & S-Ateen groups. By providing this link we do not imply review, endorsement or approval of the linked site. Thank you for visiting We hope that you have found the information you were seeking.

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