We can apply Tradition Seven to our personal lives by reflecting on what it means to be self-supporting as individuals. As the S-Anon Problem states, “We chose friends and partners who could not or would not love and support us in a healthy way.” We may not have known what healthy support looked like. Many of us wanted someone to take care of us and to fill the void inside of us that only our Higher Power could fill. We thought that if we could just find someone to support us in the way we wanted, then we would be fine. We often had no concept of being self-supporting emotionally, spiritually, financially, physically, or in any other way. There is a spiritual solution. Becoming more self-supporting is a process. Learning what our true needs are and seeking options to meet them are both part of being self-supporting. With the Higher Power of our understanding to guide us, one day at a time, we find a satisfying solution to our hunger for love and support.

Reprinted from S-Anon Twelve Traditions, pages 99-100.

 June 24, 2024

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