At some point in our recovery journey, many of us begin to have questions about how decisions are made in S-Anon: Why are things the way they are? What if I have a suggestion for change? Or maybe we have ideas about how S-Anon can provide additional member services: wouldn’t it be great if S-Anon offered [insert a really great idea here]?

When asking these questions, members are generally directed to the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual, other S-Anon Service Literature, or the S-Anon Member Site to help find answers. There may be others in the program we have come to admire for their service, and we might ask their perspective on how to become involved. Sometimes it takes another member encouraging us to step into service—whether it is a sponsor or fellow member who has experienced the benefits that service can have on one’s personal recovery.

While there are no short and simple answers to the above questions because there are many layers to the S-Anon Service Structure, this article will provide some practical information on two aspects of service: how S-Anon members can participate on the Board of Trustees Standing Committees and as an Area Delegate, sources from which many initiatives, ideas, and resources for the fellowship originate.

Before we get started, it’s important to note that S-Anon is where it is today as a result of both the volunteers who have come before us and those who provide service today. Because our spiritual principles guide us to stay democratic in thought and action and to honor rotation of service, the timeline over which change occurs can seem slow. This means that projects and answers come as resources are available and in keeping with the idea that our Higher Power ensures we are exactly where we need to be at this moment.

The S-Anon Board of Trustees currently has eight active Standing Committees and a handful of subcommittees looking for willing volunteers and fresh ideas. All committees meet once a month via Zoom and work on various projects throughout the month individually and over email with other committee members.

Service Through Committee Membership
Finance Committee

Meets: 3rd Monday of the Month, 7:00pm CST

Committee Purpose: Provides stewardship of the funds received by the WSO.

Current Number of Members: 5

Current and Upcoming Projects: Provide input on motions submitted for the 2024 World Service Conference. Evaluate monthly financials submitted by the WSO and prepare the 2025 budget.  Review S-Anon financial policies and make recommendations as needed.

Committee Member Qualifications: No specific requirements; experience in accounting, banking, or management of personal or business finances is a plus.

How to Join: Contact Chairperson

Chairperson: Dawnielle A.,

Policy and Service Communications Committee

Meets: 4th Monday of the month, 7:00pm CST

Committee Purpose: Examination of issues and questions that may affect S-Anon as a whole, review of Service Literature, and management of the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual.

Current Number of Members: 5

Current and Upcoming Projects: Examine and make recommendations to the BOT on issues that may affect S-Anon as a whole, review and comment on all writing destined for the SSSM, review Service Literature and motions submitted for consideration by the World Service Conference, and continue to develop a process for the maintenance and update of the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual.

Committee Member Qualifications: Members need to be active in S-Anon, have completed the S-Anon Steps with a sponsor, and ideally the S-Anon Traditions. Willingness to study the Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts of Service and the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual is also suggested.

How to Join: Interested members need to submit a service resume to the committee for review.  Anyone interested can also ask to sit in on part of a committee meeting. An invitation to join the committee is officially extended after consideration and approval by the committee. Contact the Chairperson for more information.

Chairperson: Kathleen S.,

International Convention Committee

Meets: 4th Tuesday of the month, 7:00pm CST

Committee Purpose: Provides guidance to international convention planning host committees in an effort to ensure that the international conventions proceed in accordance with the S-Anon Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts of Service, and the BOT-approved International Convention Committee guidelines.

Current Number of Members: 7

Current and Upcoming Projects: Gather interest from the fellowship for potential host committees for a 2026 International Convention. Give support to the host committees for the 2024 Los Angeles and 2025 Dallas International Conventions.  Work on International-Convention-in-a-Box tool to be used by host committees. Update bid and Speaker Pool forms used for conventions.

Committee Member Qualifications: No specific requirements; convention host committee or local marathon experience is a plus.

How to Join: Contact Chairperson

Chairperson: Heidi D.,

Public Information and Outreach Committee

Meets: 4th Wednesday of the month, 7:30 pm CST

Committee Purpose: Act as a liaison between S-Anon and the general population with the goal to increase awareness of the S-Anon program.

Current Number of Members: 5

Current and Upcoming Projects: Create and implement S-Anon’s official social media channels, create and publish information resources for counselors and mental health professionals and those affected by legal issues, assist and support the development of service structure areas outside of North America.

Subcommittees: Corrections Subcommittee and Global Coordination Subcommittee

Committee Member Qualifications: Members must be familiar with the S-Anon Twelve Traditions and be willing to study the S-Anon Twelve Concepts of Service. Desired skills include any of the following: public relations/marketing related skills such as digital marketing, advertising, branding, writing or developing content, creating short-form videos, as well as experience with driving website traffic or implementing social media campaigns. Multi-language capabilities are also a plus.

How to Join: Contact Chairperson

Chairperson: Michelle G.,

World Service Conference Committee

Meets: 2nd Sunday of the month, 6:30 p.m. CST

Committee Purpose: Responsible for planning and facilitating the annual S-Anon World Service Conference.

Current Number of Members: 7

Current and Upcoming Projects: Review WSC Charter, review WSC Policies and Procedures, review motions submitted for consideration, create the agenda, and prepare for the upcoming WSC.

Committee Member Qualifications: Members need to have studied or be familiar with the S-Anon Twelve Traditions and have a willingness to learn how to apply the Steps, Traditions, and Concepts of Service in various situations. Business administration experience and knowledge of Roberts Rule of Order is a plus.

How to Join: Contact Chairperson

Chairperson: Jeanne H.,

S-Ateen Committee

Meets: 2nd Saturday of the month, 8:00am CST; replaced once a quarter with a joint meeting of the S-Ateen Group Sponsors and the Committee on the 2nd Sunday of the month, 2:30pm CST

Committee Purpose: Provide guidance, support, and hope to young people, ages 12 to 19, seeking an S-Ateen group.  Support S-Ateen groups by providing S-Ateen Group Sponsors including the administration of training, certification, and recertification of S-Anon members willing to become Group Sponsors.  Collaborate with the Public Information and Outreach and Literature Committees in generating ideas to carry the message of S-Ateen, within the S-Anon fellowship and to the public. Offer S-Ateen program recommendations and guidance to host committees for International Conventions, regional, and local recovery events that include S-Ateen participation.

Current Number of Members: 6

Current and Upcoming Projects: Support the growth of in-person and virtual S-Ateen meetings, review and update S-Ateen Service Literature, work with Literature Committee and other BOT members to promote the creation of new recovery literature to be used in S-Ateen meetings, work with BOT to create S-Ateen Safety Guidelines suitable for S-Ateen that align with safety protocols for S-Anon, maintain and update the S-Ateen Online Community secure website offering weekly live S-Ateen meetings.

Committee Member Qualifications: Members need to be attending S-Anon meetings on a regular basis, have worked the S-Anon Steps, and have a sponsor.

How to Join: Contact Chairperson

Chairperson: Greta B.,

Literature Committee

Meets: Editors meet 2nd Wednesday of the month, 7:00pm CST; Readers work independently reviewing and providing input on draft literature.

Committee Purpose: Ensure that every aspect of the S-Anon/S-Ateen program of recovery is presented in adequate, comprehensive, and consistent written material.

Current Number of Members: 7 Editors, 19 Readers

Current and Upcoming Projects: Our history book, Along the Journey, is fully Conference Approved and should be available for sale sometime this Winter. Work continues on Into the Light, Healing in Relationships with our Children, and the S-Anon Twelve Concepts of Service

Subcommittees: French Translation Subcommittee and Spanish Translation Subcommittee

Committee Member Qualifications: Members have worked the S-Anon Steps with a sponsor or Step study group, serve as an S-Anon sponsor themselves, have studied or are familiar with the S-Anon Twelve Traditions, and have a willingness to learn how to apply our Legacies—the S-Anon Steps, Traditions, and Concepts of Service—in various situations. A solid foundation in our Legacies is vital to fulfill the CAL voting responsibilities of Literature Committee members. A background in writing, editing, and publishing may be helpful but is not necessary.

How to Join: Interested members can contact the Literature Committee Chairperson with questions about joining. Members are selected by the Editors, who typically first serve as Readers.

Chairperson: Julie S.,

Executive Committee

Meets: 3rd Thursday of the month, 3:00pm CST Executive Committee meeting; 1st Tuesday of the month 8:00 pm CST Board of Trustees meeting.

Committee Purpose: Oversee operations at the World Service Office.

Current Number of Members: 5

Current and Upcoming Projects: Develop a Board Governance Handbook, document Executive Committee (EC) standard meeting practices, review and facilitate updates to Finance Policies and Procedure for S-Anon International Family Groups, Inc., and aid in the development of Content and Intellectual Property Use Policies.

Committee Member Qualifications: Members of the EC include the Officers of the BOT and the WSO Executive Director. According to the S-Anon Bylaws, a BOT officer needs to have 5 years in the S-Anon program and have completed the S-Anon Twelve Steps with a sponsor.

How to Join: All positions on the Executive Committee are currently filled but come August 1, 2024, the BOT Chairperson position will be vacant. The ECis currently working to find qualified candidates for this position. Contact the EC Chairperson with questions.

Chairperson: Mercedes S.,

Service through Representation

In addition to the BOT standing committees, there are also service opportunities available through Area and Regional Representation.

Concept One says that the ultimate responsibility and authority for S-Anon world services belongs to the S-Anon groups. Regional Trustees and Area Delegates assist the fellowship in achieving this concept by representing the voice of S-Anon Groups on the S-Anon Board of Trustees and the Senior World Service Conference, helping these service bodies make informed decisions. These trusted servants also support the development of S-Anon within the Regions and Areas they serve by encouraging service and becoming a resource for groups, individuals, and intergroups by sharing experience in applying the Traditions and Concepts of Services.

Regional Trustees

Meets: 3rd Wednesday of the month, 8:00pm CST Regional Trustee meeting; 1st Tuesday of the month 8:00pm CST Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting.

Purpose: Regional Trustees (RTs) are elected to the BOT by the groups within the Regions they serve if groups in the Region are sufficiently organized. Otherwise, they are elected by the other sitting BOT members. RTs help to ensure that our BOT is as responsive as possible to the needs and desires of groups. The RTs’ primary goal is to grow and strengthen the S-Anon fellowship in their Regions, and to provide a voice for groups in Areas that do not have an elected Area Delegate. RTs provide group representation in the Legal Service Structure.

Current Number of Regional Trustees: 2

Current and Upcoming Projects: Present informational webinar to the S-Anon fellowship, research representation matters, encourage service at the international level.

Member Qualifications: It is suggested that potential Board members have been working the S-Anon program long enough to have gained experience at other S-Anon service levels (suggested five years) and have demonstrated the leadership skills necessary to serve as a Trustee.

How to Join: To become an RT on S-Anon’s BOT, the candidate must be elected either by the registered groups in the Region in which he/she resides, or by a vote of the BOT. The RT is elected for one three-year term and may be reelected for one additional consecutive term of three years. Contact any current RT to inquire about the time commitment and responsibilities of this service and with questions on how to begin a regional election process.

Chairperson: Brenda Y.,

Area Delegates

Meets: 3rd Sunday of the month, 4:00pm CST

Purpose: An Area Delegate (AD) facilitates communication between the groups in their Area and the World Service Conference (WSC) and plays an important role for local groups by providing year-round support and encouraging service engagement. ADs provide group representation in the Traditional Service Structure.

Current Number of Area Delegates: 18

Current and Upcoming Projects: Reestablish the in-person General Delegate Assembly in 2024, conduct an Ad-Hoc Committee review of the General Delegate Assembly bylaws for updates and expansion of roles, establish a scheduled yearly Area Delegate webinar series for sharing what it is like to be a delegate with S-Anon members.

Member Qualifications: ADs typically have several years of recovery and service experience and are actively working the S-Anon Twelve Steps with a sponsor.

How to Join: ADs are selected or elected by the Area they represent. To begin this process, contact the World Service Office at to receive a list of S-Anon Groups within a specific Area. Contact the Chairperson of the General Delegate Assembly for support in carrying out the selection/election process.

Regions & Areas

The North America Service Structure is divided into 8 Regions and 66 Areas. Below are the current vacant Regional Trustee and Area Delegate positions as of January 1, 2024:

Area Delegate Vacancies:

United States: Alabama, Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Northern California, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.

Canada: Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan.

Regional Trustee Vacancies:

United States: Northeast, Northwest, Southwest, West.

Canada: Central Eastern Canada, Western Canada.

Representation Map

Review the Area Delegate and Regional Trustee Map on the Member Site for current information on filled and vacant positions.

 January 16, 2024

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WSO Update

The WSO Update is a monthly newsletter published by the World Service Office communicating activities of interest within the Fellowship.

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