S-Anon has increased its social media presence by adding Instagram and TikTok as a way of raising awareness of our program. The profile name on both platforms is @sanon_wso. Additionally, a new public service video is now available at www.sanon.org in the “About Us” tab. This video provides a message of hope and encouragement to newcomers and explains that the effects of sex addition can affect anyone, in all walks of life and in various relationships. Intergroup websites may consider adding a link to the video.

Social media is an important communication vehicle to reach new audiences online, particularly younger demographics. Young people are increasingly shifting to Instagram and TikTok to discover new information, rather than using more traditional search engines. The supporting principles for a social media effort include Step Twelve: “…[W]e tried to carry this message to others…” Tradition Five, “…[B]y welcoming and giving comfort to families of sexaholics,” and Tradition Eleven, “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion…”

S-Anon does not endorse any social media platform, nor does it encourage people to join social media. Instead, it is using social media as a tool to reach people already on these platforms to carry the message of our program of recovery. For our program to grow, the S-Anon program itself cannot remain anonymous. However, honoring the privacy of others is important and we recognize that personal anonymity can inadvertently be broken on social media. For example, on Instagram, even if your account is private, people that go to the S-Anon account can see who follows S-Anon. Additionally, your followers can see who you follow, which could break the anonymity of an S-Anon or SA member if your followers know them. However, just because someone follows an account, that does not denote membership in S-Anon. The principle of anonymity (Traditions Eleven and Twelve) is discussed further in our service literature, Anonymity in S-Anon (L-29), which addresses strategies to honor privacy in an electronic world.

Following, liking, and sharing social media content can help increase the visibility of S-Anon’s social media profiles to non-members, but you may want to first consider the potential anonymity impacts before engaging content in this manner.

Service Opportunity
Looking to further grow in service work? The Public Information and Outreach Committee is looking for volunteers! We meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 8:30-9:30 ET. Our current projects include growing S-Anon’s social media presence and creating materials for professionals to increase awareness of S-Anon. Desired skills include any of the following: social media coordination and content creation, marketing, public relations, or experience driving website traffic. Email the Committee Chairperson, Michelle G., at pioc@sanon.org to find out more!

 May 16, 2023

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WSO Update

The WSO Update is a monthly newsletter published by the World Service Office communicating activities of interest within the Fellowship.

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