On May 1, 2023, members of the World Service Conference (WSC) received the one motion to be considered at this year’s meeting to be held virtually on Saturday, July 22, 2023. Area Delegates (ADs) have been asked to distribute this motion, now published on the Member Site, to encourage the groups they represent to review, discuss, and provide feedback on this matter:

Motion: Move that the World Service Conference (WSC) approve in-concept a Conference Approved Literature (CAL) book consisting of member shares that cover topics such as rediscovering and recovering oneself, identifying one’s likes and needs, and developing intimacy with oneself and other.

“ADs are expected to arrive at the WSC fully informed and able to present the views of their Area groups on the motions to be considered (Concepts Four, Five). They do not collect votes from their local groups on the motions, but they take into consideration comments and feedback from the groups about the motions.”

[Taken from the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual, Part 2: Traditional S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Structure, Areas and Area Delegates to the WSC.]

Observers at the WSC
Planning a virtual WSC presents many challenges, one of which is opening attendance up to observers. Based on much discussion and consideration, the WSCC has decided that the 2023 WSC will not be open to observers due to certain technical limitations.

WSC Summary Packet
After every WSC, the World Service Office (WSO) publishes a detailed WSC Summary Packet including minutes from the proceeding. The result of this year’s motion will be published on the Member Site, member.sanon.org, and a WSO Update article will notify the fellowship when the WSC packet is available for review. Areas represented by an Area Delegate or Regional Trustee can also expect to be contacted directly by their trusted servant for a summary of motion results.

Committee Reports
The World Service Conference Committee will again provide all WSC members with the customary question and answer period for BOT Standing Committee and Delegate Reports. These reports and the subsequent question and answer correspondence will be included in the WSC Summary Packet.

 May 16, 2023

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WSO Update

The WSO Update is a monthly newsletter published by the World Service Office communicating activities of interest within the Fellowship.

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