In April 2022, the Board of Trustees (BOT) created an ad hoc committee to study matters of representation within the S-Anon fellowship. One of the assigned areas of discussion centered on the relevancy of the “Lone Member” and “Lone Newcomer” designations in light of the changes to how S-Anon groups gather. In October 2022, the ad hoc committee submitted a recommendation to the BOT concluding that the terms “Lone Member” and “Lone Newcomer” are no longer applicable within the S-Anon fellowship. After careful consideration of this study, the BOT instructed the Executive Committee to sunset the WSO’s Lone Member/Lone Newcomer Database.
Currently in the United States and Canada there are 97 in-person only groups, whereas 48 groups provide hybrid meeting options (both in-person and electronic), 14 groups meet on the phone, and 118 groups meet online. The “lone” designation was valid when the main method of participating in the S-Anon program of recovery was by attending in-person meetings. Now that many groups permanently meet by phone or online, this is no longer the case. Any individual, no matter their location, can regularly attend meetings.
After sunset of the Lone Member/Lone Newcomer Database, the WSO will continue to provide the same support to newcomers and members who reach out for support, and contact information for those that wish to connect further will be shared with an Area Delegate, Regional Trustee, or the Global Coordination Sub-Committee. The WSO simply will not be maintaining a database of these individuals anymore. As for representation, once a newcomer or member chooses a home group to attend, whether the group meets in person, via online platform, or via phone, then these individuals receive delegate and/or regional representation through that group.