I have to admit that sometimes letting go feels more like chest-wrenching pain than gentle detachment with love from the actions of another person. Through using the principles of the S-Anon program, I have done all I can to safely stay in my relationship with my sexaholic partner. It has become clear that it is no longer safe to remain in the relationship, and I know I must now face my fear and let go, but my chest hurts when I consider actually doing it. I decided to offer that feeling to God and to invite God to do “heart surgery.”

This is my prayer: “God, if it is your will, please open my chest and heal my heart. You have opened the door for me to separate from the sexaholic before. Today please give me the courage to walk through the door, though not without sadness, pain, hope, or help. Please remove all the hurt and pain, and heal my heart.”

I am grateful for the willingness to work an S-Anon program, for the support I have from family and friends in my meetings, and for new opportunities that lay ahead of me. Thank you, God, for answering my prayer.

Reprinted from S-Anon’s Reflections of Hope, page 345.

 January 9, 2023

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