During the May and June Board of Trustees (BOT) meetings, the BOT approved several updates to the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual (SSSM).
The SSSM now reflects the same language used in the S-Anon World Service Conference Charter and current World Service Conference Committee policies about the election or selection of Area Delegates and Alternate Area Delegates by the areas they serve. The updates can be found in:
• Part 2: Areas and Area Delegates to the WSC, 3rd paragraph and 4th paragraph
• Part 3: World Service Conference Policies and Procedures, Credential Committee, removed 2nd bullet point which stated, “Register any Delegates who have been functioning in that role for their area but have not previously registered.”
In Part 2: Standing Committees of the Board of Trustees, the Public Information and Outreach Committee’s purpose and responsibilities were updated to reflect current projects and practices.