Feeling inspired to write? The Literature Committee is always open to receiving written submissions from members for future use as they develop new literature for the fellowship. Whether there is a specific topic you would like to share about, or recovery experiences you would like to see more of, the Literature Committee welcomes your submissions. All S-Anon literature is written by S-Anon members for S-Anon members, and sharing our stories is a key step in the creation of new literature as well as a great way to be of service to our fellowship.

Some of the more specific topics of members’ recovery experience, strength, and hope might include:

  • Concepts of Service stories
  • Stories from members affected by a sex addict’s legal issues
  • Stories from members affected by the sexaholic behavior of a parent or child
  • Stories of recovery from S-Ateen members or from the S-Ateen point of view of members who grew up in a home where sexual addiction was present
  • Stories that more broadly express the diverse membership of S-Anon
  • How S-Anon literature has helped you
  • ES&H on working the Twelve Steps

 May 18, 2022

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WSO Update

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