Be on the lookout! Within the next month or so we anticipate the release of two new literature publications, S-Anon Twelve Traditions and What is the S-Anon Point of View?
The S-Anon Twelve Traditions is an in-depth study of the spiritual principles and guidance within the Twelve Traditions from the S-Anon point of view. It is a compilation of four previously published booklets that will be removed from circulation when the book is made available for sale. If you were planning on purchasing these booklets, now is the time!
What is the S-Anon Point of View? is an 18-page booklet that discusses helpful information about the S-Anon meeting guidelines such as “sharing about and from the S-Anon point of view” and the importance of maintaining a focus on S-Anon principles to preserve the integrity of our program.
The Literature Committee has been hard at work on these two new pieces of Conference Approved Literature and we are excited to share them with the fellowship!