It is no surprise that events over the past couple of years have shifted the way the S-Anon fellowship gathers and how members participate in groups. As a result of the mass migration of groups to phone or online platforms, it is only natural for questions regarding representation to occur. The spiritual principles found within the S-Anon Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Service direct us to approach these questions with due diligence and much care, and in order to do so, we need a dedicated group of trusted servants to study these matters of representation.

In February 2022, the S-Anon Board of Trustees (BOT) approved the creation of an ad hoc committee tasked with studying the validity and/or necessity of the “lone member/lone newcomer” designation, and how Regional Trustee representation, a geographically defined role, relates to groups who gather online or by phone. The BOT hopes this ad hoc committee’s work will produce recommendations on how to best address these representation questions, and depending on the results, possibly prepare motions to the BOT and/or World Service Conference (WSC).

The ad hoc committee is currently seeking volunteers to begin service April 2022 with the goal to have finalized recommendations to the BOT and/or WSC by December 2022. The ad hoc committee is intended to be composed of at least one member from each of the following:

  • Regional Trustees
  • Policy and Service Communications Committee
  • Area Delegates
  • Intergroup representatives
  • Phone or online groups
  • In-person groups
  • Lone members

Any members with experience in the above categories are eligible to serve, and basic understanding of the S-Anon service structure is a plus, but any member willing to learn more about the service structure is welcome to join the committee. Interested members can contact Pam M., Southwest Regional Trustee, at by April 15, 2022 for more information.

 March 16, 2022

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WSO Update

The WSO Update is a monthly newsletter published by the World Service Office communicating activities of interest within the Fellowship.

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