I was told by two doctors that my husband’s cross-dressing, as well as other sexually compulsive behaviors, was something I had to learn to live with. I began praying for a better answer. My prayers were answered while reading a response to someone in a syndicated newspaper column. As a result, I found S-Anon and my husband found SA.
I have been in recovery just over a year. My husband and I are working through the Steps in our respective fellowships. Through the grace of these programs, we are learning a new way of life. I have learned there are no quick fixes to the family disease of sexaholism. Instead, I have found it to be a gradual positive solution. I am finding hope, One Day at a Time, through the Twelve Steps and through applying the tools of recovery: writing, meetings, meditation, prayer, sponsorship, and more.
My relationship with my spouse has started to heal. By working the S-Anon program, I am getting out of the way of my Higher Power. I am devoting the same kind of energy and time to healthy living as I used to devote to obsessing about my husband’s sexual behavior. I am starting to experience the Gifts of the S-Anon Program in my life today.
Reprinted from S-Anon’s Reflections of Hope, page 92.