Nothing in life is guaranteed. Despite actively working his recovery program, weekly counseling sessions, and a long period of sobriety, my husband recently had a relapse. This was very painful and frightening for me. Even though I was hurting, I was immediately able to utilize the tools of my S-Anon program. I shared with him how I felt. I asked for help from my Higher Power. I called my sponsor. I dragged myself to church, and made a decision to renew my commitment to my own recovery. This included: asking trusted friends for prayer and accepting their offers of babysitting; calling friends in the program and checking in with them again and again; attending my S-Anon meetings and sharing my story; writing in my journal each night no matter how tired I was; calling my therapist for an emergency appointment; and writing this share.
It helped me to review Step One: I am powerless over his compulsions to act out sexually; Step Two: God can restore my sanity; and Step Three: my plans and life are safe in my Higher Power’s hands. I know that nothing happens by coincidence. God had a reason for my finding out about my husband’s relapse. Although I am shaken up, I am still grateful for God’s wisdom and plan.
Reprinted from Working the S-Anon Program, 2nd Edition, page 72-73.