Calling all tech-savvy members! The World Service Office is looking for support from members who have skills of varying levels to join the WSO Tech Support Team (TST). Could this be you?
While there are no defined qualifications an S-Anon member must meet to serve on the TST (all skill levels are welcome!), it would be helpful if a prospective team member is computer-savvy, has professional or personal technical experience, or has an interest in providing support in this capacity. But like everything else in this program, perfection is not necessary; willingness is the key.
Minimum requirements:
• Interest in learning more about Microsoft Online, Zoom, and additional applications
• Experience using online platforms
• Basic knowledge using smart phones, tablets, and computers
• Willingness to learn and share knowledge with others
Read more about the current focus and assigned responsibilities of the TST. Interested members can reach out to and plan to attend the first TST meeting tentatively scheduled for October.