Members of the World Service Conference (WSC) received 6 motions by email on May 3, 2021, and they are all now published on the Member Site.

While members of the WSC are tasked with voting their conscience on these matters, hearing voices from across the fellowship are valuable as WSC members prepare to make informed decisions that affect the fellowship as a whole. Groups and members are invited to share their thoughts and feedback on these motions with their representatives.

Motion 1: Move that the following change be made to the World Service Conference (WSC) Charter, Sections IX thru XII.

Motion 2: Move that the WSC approve in concept the creation of an “S-Anon Twelve Traditions” Conference Approved Literature book.

Motion 3: Move that the WSC rescind a motion from July 19, 2013, to add a Delegate for the Progress online meeting.

Motion 4: Move that the WSC rescind a motion from the July 2010 WSC that added a Delegate position to represent phone meetings.

Motion 5: Move that the World Service Conference vote to restructure the Canadian Delegate Areas by removing the 3 current Canadian Delegate Areas (Central, Eastern, Western) and creating 7 new Areas: Canadian Delegate Area (CDA) 1 – 7 (Coverage descriptions to follow). Each new Canadian Area will have its own Area Delegate (AD) to serve on the S-Anon World Service Conference (WSC).

Motion 6: Move that the World Service Conference approve the creation of a Virtual Area Delegate position to represent registered S-Anon groups that gather online. These meetings are not temporary, are without a designated Area within the borders of North America, are not telephone meetings only, are not face to face, and are video or other online platform.

A few of motions were administrative and are not on the WSC agenda. They have instead been referred to the appropriate committees.

If you have any questions, you can reach the World Service Conference Committee at

 May 17, 2021

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WSO Update

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