The Special Appeal is a triannual request from the S-Anon World Service Office for 7th Tradition donations. Please share this appeal with your group and consider making a contribution today!
Dear S-Anon Members,
Just when I was sure my life was over, and I would never get through what lay before me, I found S-Anon. Many years ago, I walked into my first S-Anon meeting and thought something must be terribly wrong. The members were laughing and having fun! “Well,” I said to myself as I drove home in tears, “they just don’t understand the seriousness of the disease!” Today I know they did understand, and that they were laughing because they were recovering the feeling of joy. After that first meeting I kept coming back for two reasons: it was the safest place to be seen and heard, and I wanted to feel the joy they had.
Having stayed in program, I too have experienced the promised spiritual awakening, and am privileged to witness the “S-Anon face lift” when members cross over from living in pain to discovering and living in the joy and freedom that S-Anon offers.
Working my S-Anon program reminds me that I can face whatever life offers if I remain teachable. With the wisdom of the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts I have tools to remain teachable, strong and resilient, able to navigate whatever circumstances or crisis I find myself in. These Gifts of the S-Anon Program give me opportunities to discover untapped strength and adaptability that I never realized I had.
Learning how to recover from the effects upon me of another person’s sexaholism serves every area of my life and has been a tremendous help especially in these unprecedented times. Without it I would be lost.
The world is changing before our eyes and our fellowship is adapting to meet the changing needs of its members. Most meetings have chosen to use a virtual format, which makes taking a 7th Tradition or Special Appeal extremely difficult. Some meetings have decided to wait until meeting in person before they send contributions to the World Service Office. However, that has the potential to place an unusual burden on the World Service Office if face to face meetings are postponed for an extended period. If ever there was a time to send donations directly to the WSO, this is it. Please prayerfully consider making a financial gift and/or a regular contribution either by mail or online at so that we may keep our fellowship alive and its World Service Office fully functioning and able to serve those seeking recovery.
Thank you and God bless,
Pam S.
Midwest Regional Trustee