As we begin a new year, you or your group may be considering submitting a motion to this year’s World Service Conference (WSC). Motions are due by March 1, so it’s time to get things on the road. We’ve made great progress in defining the process, so the experience doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are some tips and steps to help you.
1. Motions are made to address issues that affect S-Anon as a whole. They may be about policies, procedures, or administrative approaches and should call for concrete action or change.
2. Let your Area Delegate or Regional Trustee know you’re planning to submit a motion. They can help you get questions answered. They also need to be in the loop because they are the ones who will actually make the motion at the WSC. If you don’t have an Area Delegate or Regional Trustee, contact the World Service Office for help in finding a member of the Board of Trustees to assist you.
3. Don’t hesitate to contact the World Service Conference Committee with your questions. This committee will help you make sure the motion is complete and in order. They process all the motions, so the more time you can give them to review your motion and help you finalize it, the better.
4. Keep it simple, precise, and limited to two pages. Our Motion Form will help you organize all the information WSC members will need in order to vote. State the intent – provide supporting principles and background. If more than one action is suggested, break it up into multiple motions. Answer the question: Why are we bringing this motion to the WSC now? A short summary of the history and current status of the issue will give WSC members valuable context. Include arguments pro and con. If you need help with the “con” arguments, the WSCC can help. Finally, include specifics about what happens if the motion passes. Will it become a part of the S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual, the Charter, or the Board of Trustees’ bylaws? Will other follow-up actions be necessary?
5. All motions must be “authored.” Anonymous motions are considered out of order. There is a place on the form to include your name and contact information.
6. Email your motion to the S-Anon World Service Office by March 1 ( Once submitted, WSCC will review the motion and stay in touch with you regarding the progress of the motion. When the motion is determined to be in order, it will be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to add the financial impact on the fellowship.
7. Before you begin writing, check out the following resources:
• S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Literature: “Writing a Motion to the World Service Conference”
• S-Anon/S-Ateen Service Manual – World Service Conference Policies and Procedures, and the How Motions Come to the World Service Conference flow chart
• S-Anon Motion Form
The process doesn’t have to be mysterious or onerous. If you get stuck or confused, help is available. Just ask! The more we work together during the pre-conference process, the better the whole consideration and voting on your motion will be.