There is a concept in business called “Just In Time” manufacturing. The idea is to save money and increase efficiency by receiving raw materials “just in time” to be manufactured, rather than expensively storing them at the factory until they are needed.

It occurred to me one day that my experience with God is quite similar to this “just in time” concept. I used to face challenging situations feeling empty-handed and unequipped. Through working the Steps and practicing using the many tools of the program, I have come to see that when it is the right time to act, my Higher Power supplies just what I need in each situation. This happens when I ask for clarity to make healthy decisions, when I need an answer or an opportunity to be revealed, when I stay open to new ideas for help regarding my finances, and when I am in need of a program phone call. Sometimes the provision of what I need comes without me even realizing I needed it. God provides for me “just in time.”

Through many years of having these “just in time” experiences, I have learned that I can trust my Higher Power to supply whatever I truly need when the time is right. Today I don’t have to see the resources up front to know that they will be there “just in time.”

Reprinted from S-Anon’s Reflections of Hope, page 350.

 December 2, 2019

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