Thank you, Seattle!
A lot goes into planning International Conventions but especially for the conventions that take place in July, Host Committees take on additional work of organizing the logistics around the annual face-to-face Board of Trustees meeting, General Delegate Assembly, and the World Service Conference. With the Host Committee’s help, members from all over the United States and Canada were provided a space to gather, brainstorm, and debate issues affecting the S-Anon fellowship. We are grateful for the above and beyond service the Seattle Host Committee provided for our fellowship.
Motion Results
The minutes from the WSC are now up on the Member Site and include the full agenda, discussion of motions, Board of Trustee Committee reports, and the Area Delegate Report. You can access this information here.
In summary, here are the results of the motions submitted to the 16th Annual World Service Conference:
Motion One
Motion One first opened with discussion and then was amended by the WSC to state:
Move that the following wording be added to the World Service Conference Charter, Section VIII. Conference Procedure:
If, after efforts have been made to bring a motion to an “in order” status but is unsuccessful and a motion is ruled “out of order,” the World Service Conference Committee will provide a report to the World Service Conference members of each “out of order” motion with a summary of why the motion is out of order.
The amended motion passed with 33 in favor, 3 opposed, 1 abstaining.
Motion Two
Motion to approve in concept the joint effort of the previous Archives Committee and the Literature Committee to publish a book about the history of S-Anon.
After discussion, the question was called, and the motion passed unanimously with 36 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining.
Brainstorming on Leadership & Service
During the WSC, attendees broke into five small groups to discuss how we can use the Twelve Concepts of Service to improve leadership and service for the fellowship. This was a wonderful opportunity for thoughtful discussion and group work!
Each small group considered several questions about an assigned Concept such as:
- How does this Concept impact the way I serve as an Area Delegate, Board member, Regional Trustee, committee member, and/or committee chair for our fellowship?
- What other ideas and suggestions do you have that could improve our fellowship-wide practice of this Concept?
- How might this Concept apply to your personal recovery?
Groups recorded comments and ideas on poster paper and even illustrated the group’s answers. After the discussion, the facilitator brought the WSC back together and groups read the responses to each question for everyone.
THANK YOU to all who attended and took the time to participate in a beautiful display of the S-Anon Service Structure at work!