The Traditions can apply to my everyday life in very simple ways also. Here’s my interpretation:
Tradition One taught me to stick with the group that helped me to get better. Preserve the union that was really formed by God through other people.
Tradition Two — Keep God in the process of all our group business. He is the head and the S-Anon members are the body of our groups.
Tradition Three — I need to welcome and help all that qualify, if they seek it.
Tradition Four — Be myself. Give my brand of recovery to those who are attracted. Speak my mind in group conscience. Remember that “It takes a village…”
Tradition Five – Keep our primary purpose in mind during all our group dealings ( financial etc…)
Tradition Six — Don’t be controlling with others, even covertly—study ways this occurs.
Tradition Seven — Support the group that is supporting me with growth opportunities that are disguised as service.
Tradition Eight — Be a member among members — Not an authority — No matter how long I have been coming.
Tradition Nine — Applying this Tradition shows me how to trust our groups to God and not be forceful or controlling with others
Tradition Ten — this Tradition taught me to focus on our commonalities — not our differences. If I look for and participate in controversy I will lose sight of our primary purpose — to help the families and friends of sexaholics — including myself.
Traditions Eleven and Twelve — I need to fiercely guard the anonymity of all members especially my own.
I’m reminded not to lecture, preach, or give unsolicited advice. Just live my own recovery and others may be attracted. I can and share my experience, strength and hope. I learned to try to place principles above personalities. I don’t have to like everybody but I should at least be courteous, and it is to my benefit to treat everyone as a potential teacher
Reprinted from the Fall 2010 issue of S-Anews©.