Delegates, Group Representatives, and Intergroups: Please help facilitate participation in this Special Appeal by forwarding this request to those on your group contact list, reading this letter in 3 consecutive meetings and passing the donation basket
around, or holding a business meeting to vote on a contribution amount.

We greatly appreciate your service!


February 2018

Dear S-Anon Members,

Want some ideas on how to grow membership in your local S-Anon group? Good news! The Public Information and Outreach Committee has been hard at work this past year creating a guide for just this purpose. We hope that this guide will become a vital resource for S-Anon groups to put into practice Step Twelve, “carry(ing) the message to others” in their communities.

In many ways, carrying the message of recovery is the backbone of this fellowship. Where would we be today had members who preceded us not served S-Anon through outreach, developing literature, or making financial contributions?

Through the collective participation of all S-Anon members, we can ensure that the hand of S-Anon is available to all seeking help from the pain and shame experienced because of sexaholism. During this Special Appeal, I ask that you consider those who are looking for help but have yet to find it. With member donations, S-Anon is able to continue to invest in and create service literature like the Public Information and Outreach Guide that builds upon a foundation of hope developed decades ago.

Three times a year, the Special Appeal gives us the opportunity to support the outreach work of S-Anon.  It is Step Twelve service in action, and we know the need is great. In honor of your own recovery and for those yet to come, please make a donation today. You can give online through the S-Anon online store.


Robin A.
Public Information and Outreach Committee Chair


 February 16, 2018

WSO Update

The WSO Update is a monthly newsletter published by the World Service Office communicating activities of interest within the Fellowship.

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