Seeing S-Anon literature translated into multiple languages sparks hope that the S-Anon message of recovery is spreading around the world.  Our latest international news comes from meetings involving Italian and Spanish S-Anon members. Both the Italian Readings/Suggested Meeting Format as well as Spanish S-Ateen Service Literature have been added to our online store and Literature Order Form.

We also have forward movement rising up in Israel and Iran. Our program members in Israel have completed license agreements to translate the Newcomers’ Booklet, Reflections of Hope, and the S-Anon Meeting Format. In Iran, members have completed translation agreements for Working the S-Anon Program, S-Anon Twelve Steps, and various pamphlets.

 June 25, 2017

WSO Update

The WSO Update is a monthly newsletter published by the World Service Office communicating activities of interest within the Fellowship.

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